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USAA Advertisement /
When I was a teenager my brothers and I would visit my father in Boerne, a little German town just northwest of San Antonio. We would travel into nearby San Antonio to visit friends, shop and dine, and explore. I remember driving by the gigantic USAA complex and wondering "what the heck goes on in this place?" I never thought as a child that I would be photographing advertisements for the company as an adult. Thanks for hiring me to photograph your ad! USAA started out in 1924 as the United States Army Automobile Association by a group of U.S. Army officers to self-insure each other because they were unable to get auto insurance due to the notion that soldiers were a high-risk group. Today, United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is one of the top ten automobile insurance providers in the country. USAA now employs more than 21,500 employees throughout the United States, and was ranked 45th on Fortune Magazine's list of the "100 Best Companies to Work For."
So, props to USAA for providing a great service to our military and their families! And a special thanks to Phil Foster and Tatiana Luneva-Evenchik for deciding to work with me. It was a pleasure to work with you both.
Hot Tub Time Machine /
If you haven't seen Hot Tub Time Machine, it's truly worth your time. It'll have you laughing in no time. During the opening credits you can see a photograph we did in an actual Hot Tub Time Machine, minus the time machine. Sorry for the low quality screen grab, it's doctored a bit to make it more visible.
Marriott Website /
Lane Marriott Website
Midway Companies /
I had a wonderful time in Houston working on Midway Companies' annual report, in conjunction with Ron Brady and Liz Horner at The Dealey Group in Dallas. Our biggest challenge was making six different photographs appear as one image during post production.
The New World of Islam /
It's amazing how wonderful change can be. Every culture in history has undergone it; all you have to do is yearn for it. Religion is beautiful and precious to its beholders, but more beautiful is humanity and the right for all humans to freely believe what they wish, without persecution from others for believing differently.
All religions change. This has been true since their beginnings, when cavemen performed sacred rituals to honor their dead. The influence of religion is perhaps the most overlooked social good man has endured. That social good is currently expanding to the world of Islam. Organizations like are pioneers of change to the Islamic world. With Islam changing, albeit a slow change, wonderful things will come.
Here are some examples of how we've been able to convey the change that woman of Islamic and Arab descent have been able to achieve in the United States, thanks to our Bill of Rights
Spring 2009 Rigamarole /
Working in business environments can be tricky sometimes. During this session we had very little time to work with the subjects, yet were able to come up with some outstanding photography that illustrates the article beautifully.
Rigamarole Fall 2009 /
A chat with Noble Energy's Chuck Davidson and David Stoner. This article, written by Molly Glentzer, beautifully demonstrates Noble Energy's new concepts in exploration. Everyone there was great to work with, truly awesome people.
Fall 2008 Rigamarole 2 /
This was another great project to work on. Working with Daniel Pagan at Rigsby-Hull Design is a great experience. He is a great designer and a great person to know. This article is about Mariner Energy and their business' up and downs. The article above was written by Molly Glentzer.
Fall 2008 Rigamarole pg. 5-6
Fall 2008 Rigamarole pg. 6-7
Here's another ad recently sent to University Federal Credit Union (UFCU) customers like ourselves. This was shot here in Austin at Umlauf Garden.